Testicular Conditions

Testicular Conditions

Conditions affecting the testis

The word testis is from the Latin word ‘testimony’, as it bears testimony to maleness. (barnhard) It otherwise known as gonads and are important part of male reproductive system. Its main functions are production of the male hormone testosterone and sperms. Testes can be affected by many conditions like infections, torsion , tumors and hydrocele. At kabil’s Urology we manage these and more effectively. Repeated infections in the testis needs to be evaluated as there may be a block ( Stricture) in the urinary passage. If not recognized early it can lead to abscess formation and destruction of the testis.


Torsion of the testis where the testis rotates on its supporting cord causing the blood flow to stop. This is a surgical emergency, if not corrected immediately the testis may be lost. Though torsion is usually seen in children, now and then an adolescent or young adult sometimes land to emergency with torsion testis.

Swellings in the scrotum can be hydrocele, Cysts in the testis and tumors.


Hydrocele is fluid collection within the layers of the membrane, tunica vaginalis covering the testis. Large hydroceles need to be treated for cosmetic value, pain, infections, hemorrhage, calculus formation and buried penis. They are treated by making a small cut over the swelling and the fluid within is drained. To prevent recurrence part of the outer layer of the covering is removed and inverted.

Testicular tumors are serious condition, but highly treatable and curable. All one needs to do is catch it up early. Important message is that painless lump in the testis should be considered as testicular tumor unless otherwise proven. Two types of testicular cancer:


Slow-growing cancer that primarily affects people in their 40s or 50s.


Cancer that grows more rapidly than seminomas. It mainly affects people in their late teens, 20s and early 30s. There are four types of non-seminoma tumors. Each is named after the type of germ cell that makes up the tumor. Non-seminoma tumors include embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac carcinoma, choriocarcinoma and teratoma.

Risk factors for testicular tumors are Undescended testis, family history, genetic conditions like klinefelters syndrome and some conditions of infertility.

They are evaluated at Kabil’s Urology by ultrasound of swelling, CT/MRI of abdomen and chest and  serum markers. The tumors are staged and multimodal treatment offered from surgery to Radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

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